Thursday 1 May 2008


In response to, i really disagree with what you are saying about chat shows, particlarly Jeremey Kyle. It is't as if the people are forced to go on teh show and be exploited to the nation. They choose to go on, choose to tell the world about there lives. Half the time they are only going on tv to get a bit of money as they are all on the dole.

Jeremy just tells the truth! Half of them need locking up in my opinion. Jeremy is great for puttin up with them!

Tuesday 29 April 2008


I totally agree with Elizabeths blog on drugs,

She speaks about how drugs should be legalised and i fully agree with this. the only reason alot of kids smoke "weed" and take all sorts of drugs is because it is illegal. The length that some needy criminals will go to to sell drugs and make the money is pathetic. If these were made legal, people wouldnt have to resort to committing crime, and the black market would be wiped out.

And who knows, "weed" is said to help some illnesses and alleviate pain! so it can't all be that bad can it!???

Violence in video games.

Age certification on video games and DVDs should be strictly adhered to in my opinion. I hear my 16 year old brother playing on games where people are beating each other to death, having sex with prostitutes, and taking drugs. He is strong minded enough not to be took in by it, as it is only a game.
For some reason this violence is appealing to not only young people, but all ages. I can only imagine that the reasons for this is because they are able to steal, and kill on screen without suffering the consequences in real life. I myself cannot see this appeal.
It has actually been proven that such games and activity's stimulate the brain in such a way which can affect the players behaviour and attitudes to others. various studies have been done, and this has been proven. //

Thursday 17 April 2008

Body modification - my addiction!

I got my first tattooo not long after my 18th birthday, after bugging my parents for a long time. I didn't have their consent, but went ahead and had one anyway. Bad? i know. But the want for a tattoo was too great. When people say "oooooo it doesn't hurt" theyre lying through their teeth!

I had problems when i got home, my family saying comments such as, "tattoo's are for boys"The image of muscular men, covered in tattoos had obvioulsy creeped into their mind But i think that in todays society, the idea of women having tattoo's is becoming more accepted. Take for instance the extremely talented tattoo artist Kat Von D. She is truly beautiful, and he femminine tattoos accentuate this beauty. Tattoo's are an art. And i wouldnt hesitate having more tattoo's.

Thursday 6 March 2008


I believe that shoplifting is a serious crime. At the end of the day it is still theft. There are, however various degrees of shoplifting which i think must be taken into account. There is obviously a difference between a naieve twelve year old girl nicking an eyeliner from a market stall, and a drug using 30 year old woman stealing hundreds of pounds worth of clothes to sell of for drug money. But it is difficult to distinguish the differences for fair sentancing.

I agree with http:// with the idea that some degrees of shoplifting are justified. such as genuinely poor people stealing food or nappies. however, i think that this is problematic because if it is ok for these people, then where is the line drawn?


As a smoker myself, i don't find the topic of smoking problematic. Iv been an on/off smoker since the age of twelve. Contrary to stereotype and belief this was through my own choice, not due to peer pressure. People around me, my mother and grandparents have always smoked, so i could never see and problem with it. There was always something quite 'glamorous' and 'attractive' about smoking. This is because of the media's consistent coverage of celebrity's actions. This is appealing to many young people. Seeing your idol smoking, and looking so glamorous is almost encouraging to young people. For years and years, main characters in films, particularly female characters have been depicted with a cigarette in their mouth. This does make people think that it is perhaps OK to smoke. Of course it is OK, as long as it is your own choice.

Nobody can stop you.
The smoking ban, which was introduced on the 1st July 2007 was never a problem for me. The notion that people could go out for a meal, or even go clubbing and to return home without with the familiar stench of smoke in the hair and clothes is great.

It is important to understand the health risks associated with smoking. Some may say that it is abuse to the body. But people choose to smoke. whether it is through mind numbing addiction, or just fancying a fag! No amount of health risks, warnings, price rises or packet labelling will ever completely stop smoking. It certainly wont stop me.
As a response to, http:// I never really noticed the image of the two cigarettes burning. But since you have mentioned it, it seems obvious. The idea that two burning cigarettes symbolise burning love and passion, and that the lips are used to smoke is somewhat sensual.

Thursday 21 February 2008

Field trip idea [:

Trip to blackpool or another renowned "party" area. Get copiously drunk and then discuss the morals of drinking on a hangover.